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Friday, February 10, 2012

Fish on Friday

The supermarkets around here don't stock much fish, so on a whim this morning I typed "gent fish market" into my search engine. Imagine my happy surprise when I learned that Gent has a weekly Vrijdagmarkt, or Friday Market, which primarily sells fish! It takes place in the aptly named Vrijdagmarkt Square downtown, on the aptly chosen day Friday -- today. So we rushed out into the cold and walked down to the square. It's beautiful, paved with cobblestones and ringed with ornate step-gabled buildings. Today it was pretty much taken over by fish stands, featuring a lot of seafood we couldn't recognize either by name or appearance (snoekbaars, anyone? regenboogforel?). Some of it looked...well, a little frightening. There were also poultry counters (including quail and rabbit as well), pork and beef stands, and many booths selling clothing and other flea market-y items.

It wasn't easy to talk Phil out of buying eel, but I managed.

Fish for dinner tonight! And then The Descendants at the Decascoop theater.

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